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We thought it would be fun to answer questions from the Smash Hits Interview Bot…..


I worked in industry for 20 years before founding the barefoot accountant ltd in 2015. I qualified with CIMA in 2006, became a CIMA Member in Practice and a member of ICPA in 2015 and became a Xero silver partner in 2019.

Who do you think is the funniest person on TV?
Actual TV would have to be Phoebe Waller-Bridge. If we are including You Tube then it has to be the Too Many T’s boy

What’s the best present you’ve ever been given?
The budgie bike I got for Christmas when I was 6 or 7

Who would you like to meet dead or alive?
Kurt Cobain because he changed my life with his music

If you were an animal what would you be?
Sometimes it’s a cat, sometimes a lion, today it’s a butterfly

What music would you like at your funeral?
Start Again by The Lottery Winners ft Frank Turner


Having worked in various environments from large corporate law firms to small bespoke companies, I discovered that small is beautiful and much more fun!  Talking to clients, setting up systems, working out sums, becoming Xero certified and most recently qualifying with AAT; my specialism is supporting our Self Employed clients with their Sole Trader Accounts and Self Assessments and I love the variety of life at the barefoot accountant!

What’s something you’re interested in that most people wouldn’t expect?
20th century German literature

What’s the best holiday you’ve been on?
Hvar, Croatia – beautiful island, gorgeous sunshine, kids loving the sea

What’s the most truly horrible thing you’ve ever worn?
Multicoloured brown culottes with a rusty coloured jumper, probably the moment I discovered that brown is not “my colour”

What is the secret of the universe?

What colour do you think Friday is?
All the colours of the rainbow!


Sheetal is a CIMA qualified accountant with over 20 years industry experience covering retail, IT and financial services.

Favourite Breakfast cereal?
Granola with oatmilk (yes, I am that person!)

Who would you like to get stuck in a lift with?
A lift engineer

Favourite word?

What is the worst job you have ever had?
As student working at Walkers factory, picking burnt crisps off a conveyor belt

Music at your funeral?
‘Do you realize?’ The Flaming lips


Working for 35 years (I started when I was 5!!) I’ve spent most of the time in finance of varying sectors including advertising, data innovation & recruitment… Along with a sprinkling of retail and childcare.
I love organisation, order and getting accounts neatly packaged with a bow… Everything looks better with a bow!

What’s the best holiday you’ve ever been on?
Tenerife 1996 with my sister… very late nights, lots of dancing, one or two pernods and ended up marrying the barman!

Have you snogged anyone famous?
Yes, an eighties boyband member (not Luke or Craig)

What would you do if you were invisible for the day?
I’m not saying, just in case it happens

Who do you model yourself on?
Me, I don’t know anyone else well enough

Are you frightened of growing up?
I think growing up is a choice and I’ve decided I don’t want to and my mum and dad didn’t say I had to either


I come from a creative background, having spent the majority of my working life as a professional dancer and dance teacher. I have also worked in arts admin, event management, press and marketing for dance houses, publishers, theatres, and in the corporate world for ACCA and HSBC Bank. I started out as administrator at the barefoot accountant, and now look after payroll, HR and some other bits and pieces.

Can you think of a rhyme about Level 42?
Level 42, my brother liked you
He had you on his wall as a framed A2

Ha! No mention of poo!

What makes you laugh?
Quite frankly many things that a grown up shouldn’t find funny

Do you like ginger nuts?
I wouldn’t say no, however they are strictly dunkers

Do you have any phobias?
I have an irrational fear of Branston Pickle and of wasps getting too near my nostrils

Have you ever committed a crime?
I once concealed a Cadbury’s Cream Egg up my school blazer sleeve. I got outside the shop, and riddled with guilt, went back in and redeposited the egg with its friends next to the Lion Bars